Masters- and PhD-level Internships at Eli Lilly

The GSS (Global Statistical Sciences) intern application is open now with the posting links below. Same information will be available in the December issue of Amstat News.

Projects for the 2020 GSS Summer Intern program have been identified with 8 PhD projects and 2 MS projects. The detailed project description is attached.

Stats- Ph. D Intern
Stats- Master Intern

Type of students:

Candidates are enrolled in a curriculum leading to a PhD, Master or Bachelor in statistics or biostatistics.

  • PhD students are required to have completed at least three years graduate work by May 2020.
  • Master students must have completed at least 1 year of graduate program by May 2020.


Jan 15, 2020.  However, applications are reviewed on a rolling basis beginning approximately early-January.  So, please encourage students not to wait until the deadline.