Post-Doctoral Researcher – United States Environmental Protection Agency

Advance methods in dose-response modeling with application in risk assessment


A postdoctoral research project(s) opportunity is currently available with the overall objective of developing, implementing and evaluating computational biological model(s) development and analysis tools for PK/PBPK and/or dose-response models and assisting with application of these models for human health risk assessment.


The Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment (CPHEA) is responsible for developing scientific assessments focused on the human health and ecological effects of chemical pollutant exposures. Within CPHEA, the Chemical and Pollutant Assessment Division (CPAD) is a leader in the science of human health assessment, a robust and transparent scientific process used to determine effects of pollutants or other stressors on human health. CPAD scientists develop a range of fit-for-purpose human health risk assessment products based on the evaluation, synthesis, and analysis of the most up-to-date scientific information and authoritative knowledge of the principles and theories of biological modelling and applied quantitative methods. Products include the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) and Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Values (PPRTV) assessments. These products are developed through interactions with EPA’s program and regional offices, other agencies, the scientific community, industry, policy-makers, and the public. Once finalized, they serve as a major scientific component supporting EPA’s regulations, advisories, policies, enforcement, and remedial action decisions. CPAD also conducts cutting-edge research to develop innovative human health risk assessment methods. This includes advancing methods in pharmacokinetic and dose-response modeling with application in human health risk assessment. Project Description. A postdoctoral research project opportunity is currently available with the overall objective of developing, implementing, and evaluating computational biological model(s) and analysis tools, (including PK/PBPK and mechanistic dose-response models) and assisting with application of these models for human health risk assessment. The participant will have opportunities to collaborate in these efforts with the diverse scientific staff in EPA’s Office of Research and Development and scientists from other EPA Centers or Offices.


Application Close Date: Dec 13, 2023


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