Tenure-track assistant professor position/Open rank tenure track position in Biostatistics – University of South Carolina

The Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Arnold School of Public Health (ASPH) at the University of South Carolina (USC) invites applications for a nine-month tenure-track faculty position in biostatistics at the rank of Assistant Professor. All areas of biostatistics expertise will be considered, but candidates with research expertise in high-dimensional data analysis, classification, risk prediction, precision medicine, clinical trials, causal inference, bioinformatics/informatics, and computational biology with applications to public health and/or medicine are particularly encouraged to apply. Submit your application at the following link: https://uscjobs.sc.edu/postings/174904


The Big Data Health Science Center and Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Arnold School of Public Health (ASPH) at the University of South Carolina (USC) invite applications for a nine-month open rank faculty position in Biostatistics. All areas of big data expertise will be considered. Still, candidates with research expertise in machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI, large language modeling, natural language processing, explainable AI (xAI), network analysis, high-dimensional data analysis, pattern analysis classification, and risk prediction with applications to public health and/or medicine are particularly encouraged to apply.  Submit your application at the following link: https://uscjobs.sc.edu/postings/174786