By ilopezaThe ICPSR Summer Program is now hiring teaching assistants to help with our 40+ General Session classes, including regression analysis, causal inference, Bayesian analysis, multilevel... |Academic, PhD or equivalent
By ilopezaThe Department seeks candidates for a faculty position at the level of full professor with tenure, who will take a leadership role in the department’s... |Academic, Master's degree, PhD or equivalent
By ilopezaThe Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Missouri University of Science and Technology invites applications for a full time, non-tenure-track Assistant Teaching Professor position which... |Academic, PhD or equivalent
By ilopezaThe Department of Statistics of Rutgers University seeks outstanding applicants for two faculty positions of all ranks including the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor... |Academic, PhD or equivalent
By ilopezaThe University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Department of Mathematics and Statistics invites applications for an open-rank faculty member, as related to cybersecurity (broadly defined),... |Industry, Master's degree, PhD or equivalent
By ilopezaIDEA2 Public Policy Fellowship A professional development opportunity in science policy from the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) and the Southeastern Universities Research Association...